Vocabulaire d'anglais des affaires : expressions idiomatiques
Expression | Traduction | Exemple d’Utilisation en Anglais |
At a loss | A Perte | We were finally able to sell the house but at a loss. |
Bail a company out | Renflouer une entreprise | The government bailed out the bank in order to maintain stability in the economy. |
Bankroll someone | Financer quelqu’un | The movie actor bankrolled his son’s first movie. |
Bean counter | Comptable | We asked the bean counters to look at the figures in the new budget. |
Bigwig | Personnes importantes | Some of the bigwigs of our company came to visit our factory. |
Bottom drops/falls out of (something) | Décrochage | When the bottom fell out of the coffee market many companies had to stop doing business |
Bottom out | Toucher le fond | The value of the stock has begun to bottom out and it should soon begin to increase in value. |
Buy a stake in (something) | Acheter une part | AXA has just bought a stake in a Spanish insurance company. |
Buy off (someone) | Acheter quelqu’un | The land developer tried to buy off the politician but he was not successful |
By a long shot | De loin | Google is by a long shot the biggest internet company. |
Captain of industry | Capitaine d’industrie | The president of our company was a captain of industry and when he retired he was appointed to many government boards |
Close out (something) | Liquider | The company decided to close out the store and sell the remaining stock very cheap |
Close up shop | Mettre la clé sous la porte | The university bookstore had toclose up shop when their rent was increased. |
Cut back | Réduire | The company has been cutting back on entertainment expenses recently. |
Cut corners | Rogner sur | We had to cut corners last year. |
Gain ground | Gagner du terrain | Our company is gaining groundin its attempt to be the best in the industry |
Get a break | Faire une affaire | We were able to get a break on the price of the paint and we saved much money. |
Get a raise | Obtenir une augmentation | My sister works hard and she recently got a raise in her new job. |
Get off the ground | Décoller | We were unable to get the new product off the ground but we will try again next year. |
Give (someone) the green light | Donner le feu vert | Our boss gave us the green light to begin work on the new sales campaign. |
Go public | Nationaliser | The stock of the Internet Company rose very quickly after the company went public. |
Have a stake in (something) | Avoir une participation dans | The new manager has a stakein a lot of small businesses. |
Heads will roll | Des têtes vont tomber | Heads will roll when our boss learns about the money that we have lost. |
In black and white | Noir sur blanc | I want it in black and white not over the phone! |
In short supply | Etre à court de / Manquer | Computer programmers are in short supply in our company |
In the black | Etre dans le vert / Gagner de l’argent | The new company has been in the black for many years now. |
In the long run | Sur le long terme | The company has been losing money recently but in the long run they should make a profit. |
In the red | Etre dans le rouge / Perdre de l’argent | The company has been in the red since the price of oil began to rise rapidly. |
In the works | En développement | The camera company has a new camera in the works but nobody knows about it. |
Lay (something) on the table | Mettre les choses sur la table | I went to the meeting and laidmy concerns about the new product on the table. |
Second a motion | Soutenir une proposition | I seconded the motion where we decided to start one hour early every morning during the summer. |
Take minutes | Ecrire le compte rendu | I usually take minutes at the monthly club meetings. |
Preferred customer | Client privilégié | The man is a preferred customer and he always receives his products soon after he orders them. |
Sell like hotcakes | Se vendre comme des petits pains | The children's toys were selling like hotcakes at the end of the year. |